

   The general director of MSIA "Spectrum"
   Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science
   the Academician of the European Academy
   Kljuev Vladimir Vladimirovich
      All that took plate under my very eyes. Once mare 1 saw for myself that life is an instant. Thirty years since the day of seating the first in the world Scientific institute of introviewes - Introscopy - flew by unnii-iced. Generation of scientists, engineers, research workers change, the activity of the institute being the leader in Moscow scientific and industrial association (MSIA) "SPECTRUM" is continuously filtered but the ideological foundation laid by P.K, OshcJieiibv, V.L Rybalbo, G.I. Каре-lin, SD. Mitushento, LW. Dun,V.A. Pavelyev, V.I.Sorckin,
V.P. Yesilevsky, K.H. Rudnev, V.S. Sutolov, A.N. Kronaus. A-A. Petushbov, V.G. Rygalin and by many other out elder colleagues continues living that is what really matters. Over the past time period dozens of doctors and hundreds at candidates of sciences were prepered in the institute, over 1.500 types of various instruments for non-destructive tests and technical diagnostics were developed, over 1.000 authors's certiicates of inventions were obtained, a great potential of diagnostic intellect, talent and intelligence was accumulated. Thirty years ago when I came to the Institute of introscopy it occupied two stores in the institute of technical glass in Novy Cheremushbi and several rooms in the scientific and design institute of testing machines, instruments and facilities to measure mass in Kholodilny Lane near the Danilovsky market. At that time nobody could imagine the present-day result - creating a powerful company competitive in the world in the form of a closed-end joint-stock society consisting of more than 10 specialized scientific departments, a pilot plant, bank, restaurant, shops, hotel, garages and cooperating with many leading foreighn companies and all the societies for non-destructive testing. Recently, economical conditions of the MSIA "Spectrum" operation have greatly changed. A series of independent companies headed, for instance, by E.I. Vainberg, V.A. Bakushev, Arbuzovs, Ya.I. Tomilin and others has appeared. But "Spektrum" remains to be "Spectrum" with its range of scientific problems of technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing range of all the electromagnetic and acoustic fields, scope of economic and staff problems and multiple various activity trends.
      We are approaching the 21st century and hope that the "Spectrum" will be a powerful source of new conceptions and results in that century too. I would like to thank sincerely all the colleagues for their labor, life, patience and love given to our company and also all the "Spectrum"'s friends from various coutries throughout the world for their assistance, attention and efficient cooperation.
       It is quite obvious for us that in the 21 century diagnostics and testing of quality will take a more significant place in solving the safety problem. They will be provided for the overwhelming majority of expensive projects of power engineering, machine building, metallury, construction and other branches and will become an inherent component part of the majority of erections. Besides, methods and facilities of non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics are updated together with updating the technological base to a still greater measure, are computerized, microminiatyrized, intellectualized and integrated. Tomography which combines achievements in the sphere of physics (nuclear magnetic resonance, ultrasound, X-rays, superhighfrequency electromagnetic band, thermovision, etc.) and computer engineering both from the point of view of the hardware and also from the point of view of software. Only one path of developing diagnostics and non-destructive testing can not be specified; it is necessary to see the whole variety of test and diagnostics methods and aids in prospect beginning from simple and inexpensive ones (thermometers, magnetic powders, electromagnetic end switches and many others) and to completely automatized and robotized testing and diagnostics systems which operate off-line without man's participation over a prolong time.
       Developing complex diagnostic movable laboratories and stationary regional diagnostic centers is obvious as well. Diagnostics and test aids will become primary in solving ecological problems. Integral quality estimation will be more and more often substituted for quantitative ones assessing flaw parameters and, what really matters, degree of its danger in time as applied to a product being operated.
      A substantially greater attention will be paid to diagnostics of the pre-flaw material state, testing its physico-mechanical properties before appearance of continuity ruptures. In our view, unification of medical and technical diagnostics methods and aids will take place taking into account that a human being remains the most difficult object for defining the qualitative state. One can see already at present the evolution of diagnostic systems in the future for timely forecasting earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and other ecological disasters. It is obvious that the safe operation of transport, power engineering progects, banks, etc. and also resource saving and life safety will be accompanied with introducing a great number of extra diagnostic and testing channels. Technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing will remain as important elements of the defence coplex, particularly its data and expert systems.
       So the next century will bring a new scope of urgent and interesting diagnostic problems to MSIA "Spectrum".
      And at present we should forecast the 21st century diagnostics evolution understanding clearly that the diagnostics trend in science, engineering and technology advance rapidly.
      Moscow Scientific Industrial Assosiation Spectrum", the main body of which is Scientific Research Institute of Introscopy celeoiKtes its 3o years jubilee.
      Now one may establish with satisfaction that we are a known in the country and far abroad formed inatitition resolving successfully important scientific-and-appiied problems interacting with both domestic and foreign firms, and hsving an internatiooai prestige.
      It is not out piace td recoiiect some milestones of the Institutes of Introgcopy history and prehistory.
      Beginning with May IP54 in Institute of Metallurgy of Academy of Sciences the Eiectrophysicai Laboratory functioned, which had been transfered there from Ministry of Defencefence as a result of a mutual petition of Defence Deputy Ministr Marshal of the Soviet Union C.l.Zhu-kov and Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academician I.P.Bardin.
      Ihe Laboratory deveioped methods of electronic conversion, electromagnetic, ultrasonic, and light osciilatioiiB amplifying and detection.
      The Laboratory was headed by prof. P.Oschepkov. who was the the first director of our Institute.
      Investigation purposes were devtlopmant of means for penetrating radiation visualization using variouu physical methods to study structure and detect flaws in optically opaque media.
       Betatron bremsstrahlung, roentgen and infrared rays, ultrasonics, mass spectrometry. gamma-ray activation anai-ysise: here is a story of mesns used in this laboratory.
      In the laboratory the first in our country infrared in-troscopes and infrared microscopes were created. Production of the IR microecopes was undortaken by the Optico-Mechanicai Assosiation LOMO. Variations of the instrument are produced there untill now. Monitoring of these worcs development continued in the Institute ofjintroscopy. as well.
      A development of nondestructive testing methods for helicopters" important details was carried out successfully under management of A.M.Yakobson with use of Ж-гау.
       To designate the compien of researches carried out a generalizing term "Introscopy" was appeared, which had been proposed by the .P.K.Oschpekov's deputy Rybalko V.I. Soon this word was common aiso beyond IMEI. In i937 the author of these lines was proposed a possablity to deiivar a report on introscopy essence through the all-Union (USSR> radio.
       On the I-st Yanuary 1959 prof. P.K. Oschepkov delivered report on introscopy as a new scientific and technical direction, at the meeting of Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.The report was approved Hind supported.
      Academicians V.A.Kote^ikov A.I. Berg and chief aircraft designer O.K. Antonov got to know researches of the laboratory in details.
      As early as in 60s problems and scope of investigatiion got outgrow topics frsmework of JMET, and material snd technical base available got short for fruitfull work.
       Measures were taken to create its own production division corresponding to laboratory specific features. An experimental and technological unit was formed and located in another district of the city - in Institute of Technical Giass (Division "U">.
       Affairs were near to the creation of special scientific research institute.
      In 1963 some State Committes and big Russian scientists spoke out for supports,of proposals to create the new institute.
       Thus, academician A.I. Berg wrote to the chairman of USSR Council of National Economy (CNE) "Activities of the laboratory are centered to resolve the problem of direct vision in opague bodies and media. What is on my view new in an affair to got data on technology processes and properties of bodies. Instrumente of introscopy will find wide appication in systems of automatical control and management in industry, military technigues, scientific researches, and medicine".
      And further: "I support the draft decision of CNE on creation of the original Institute on Introscopy entirely". On 6 May 1964 the decision of CNE wae adopted on organization of the Institute of Introscopy in which the Electrophysical Laboratory of IMET (48 persons), the above mentioned Division "U" (45 persons), and the Dlaw Detection Division of NIKMP (40 persons) where included. On the base of the NIKMP's Flaw Detection Division, headed by prof. H.I. Ermolin, the two structural divisions of the Insitute arose, which introduced very important methods for resolving urgent industrial problems, namely magnetic and Measures were taken to create its own production division corresponding to laboratory specific features. An experimental and technological unit was formed and located in another district of the city - in Institute of Technical Glass (Division "U").
       Affairs were near to the creation of special scientific research institute.
      In 1963 some State Committee and big Russian scientists spoke out for supports of proposals to create the new institute. Thus, academician A.I. Berg wrote to the chairman of USSR Council of National Economy (CNE) "Activities of the laboratory are centered to resolve the problem of direct vision in opague bodies and media. What is on my view new in an affair to got data on technology processes and properties of bodies. Instruments of introscopy will find wide appication in systems of automatical control and management in industry, military technigues, scientific researches, and medicine".
       And further: "I support the draft decision of CNE on creation of the original Institute on Introscopy entirely". On 6 May 1964 the decision of CNE was adopted on organization of the Institute of Introscopy in which the Electrophysical Laboratory of IMET (48 persons), the above mentioned Division "U" (45 persons), and the Flaw Detection Division of NIKIMP (40 persons) where included.
      On the base of the NIKIMP's Flaw Detection Division, headed by prof. H.I. Eryomin, the two structural divisions of the Insitute arose, which introduced very important methods for resolving urgent industrial problems, namely magnetic and electromagnetic inspections.
      Division of electromagnetic methods of inspection was headed by c.t.s. V.V. Kljuev.
      The large part of organisational work was carried on broad shoulders of leaders of the former Eiectrophysica) Laboratory generally.
       Together with P.K. Oschepkov, V.I. Rybalko, and T.I.Kapelin, a setting things going for the Institute and its divisions located in seven different (I) districts of the city, creation of Scientific and technical council, forming and equipping scientific laboratories and auxiliary services had to be done by L.M. Doon, A.M. Yakobson, T.N Stasyuk, and A.F. Mochalov.
       Scientific problems of the Institute and its themes were " established by decision of the Scientific Board of the state Committee on coordination of SRW on 3 March 1965.
      Nondestructive testing of sheet rolling, metalware and tubing products were indicated as basic problems.
      Fullilment of works on these and other directions was essentially hampered by the absence of an Institutes ouen building and by the shortage of specialiste team.
       Although the decision to pass over the building no 35 Usachov str., Moscow, as the ownership of the Institute was adapted by the Moscow city authorities 13 Jan. 1965, some years passed yet before the SRII couid function normally. We had to move the residents to their new places and fit the rooms to the new purposes. (The building was constructed in 20-s as the dormintory of the Communiet Education Academy.
      However, yet before to put into operation the building completely the scientific personell worked on problems established.
      Having come in the Institute with a group of collegues, c.t.s. V.V. Kluev (as a member of the NIKIMP's Flaw Detection Division) was successfully included in resolution of urgent and difficult "tubing" themes. The first steps were done and practical contribution was put to heip to Pervour-alsc New Tube Rolling Works.
      In 1965 at the Institute there was the following scientific divisions: of roentgen, optical, radiowave, ultrasonic, electromagnetic, magnetic methods, and division of vacuum eiectronic devices. The heads of these divisions were A.M.Yakobson, c.t.s. L.M. Doon, V.A.Pavelyev, V.I.Sorokin, c.t.s. V.V.Kljuev. d.t.s. N.I. Eryomin. The Division of Vacuum Eiectronic Devices was headed by M.Ya. Mularov, engineer.
      The scientific and technical library was compiled by engineer L.B. Pirozhnikov.
      The personell department was headed by E.P. Ershova.
      Before 1967 at the Institute there were 3 doctors of sciences and 22 candidates of sciences.
       There were 25 persons in the design division, 26 persons in the experimental and technological division.
      The scientific and technical council functioned in three sections. The editors board prepared and issued the first collected works of the Institute in 1967.
      In the same 1967 the first All-Union Symposjum on IR microscopy (orgaising committee chairman was L.M. Doon) and the All-Union Meeting on radio wave introscopy (organising committee chairman was V.A. Pavelyev) were carried out Academician N.D.
       Devyatkov took his part in work of the Meeting.
      In 1970 the first director of the Institute, Honoured Scientist and Technician, prof. P.K. Oschepkov, d.t.s. left it because state of health.
      From the middle of 1970 the Institute is headed by V.V. Kljuev.
       Naturally, during the time of existence of the Institute, its problems underwent essential evoiution in accordance with development of science and technology.
       Modern demands of commercial production, various branches of national economy, and medicine found theer reflection in the content of research and scientific-and-pro-duction activities of the collective.
      The importance of works on the roentgen direction have risen for both technical and medical purposes.
       The computer tomography is successfully deveioped.
      Sencors are developed and produced in series for equipping automated productions including robotics.
      On several directions there are developed the scientific cooperation and joint developments with known advanced foreign firms, what promotes the maintenance of the scientific and technical level of works carried out.

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